Archive for February, 2016

You Keep Using that Word, Real-Time

Four Really Real Meanings of Real-Time

Our director of engineering told me that she had a customer ask if we could do real-time data processing with Syncsort DMX-h. Knowing that real-time means different things to different people, the engineer asked what exactly the customer meant by real-time. He said, “We want to be able to move our data out of the database and into Hadoop in real-time every two hours.”

When she told me that story, I wanted to quote Inigo Montoya from “The Princess Bride.” You keep using that word, “real-time.” I do not think it means what you think it means.

But what does real-time actually mean? And what do you really mean when you say real-time? What do other people usually mean when they say real-time? How can you tell which meaning people are using? And what the heck is near real-time?

Tungsten is Shiny

Spark with Tungsten Burns Brighter

Project Tungsten is a new thing in the Spark world. As we all know, Spark is taking over the big data landscape. But as always happens in the big data space, what Spark could do a year ago is radically different from what Spark can do today. It busted the big data sort benchmark last year, and is just getting better as it goes. A project called Tungsten represents a huge leap forward for Spark, particularly in the area of performance. But, being me, I wanted to know what Tungsten was, how it worked, and why it improved Spark performance so much.

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