Archive for KNIME tag

Davin Potts, CEO Appliomics, Founder KNIME, Core Python Commiter

One on One with Davin Potts

At the recent Data Day Texas event, I sat down with Davin Potts, who I have known for many years, and had a long conversation about a wide variety of subjects. Over on the Vertica blog, I broke the conversation into chunks, but I wanted to put it all together in one place so you can see what we chatted about end to end. So, here’s all of it, from machine learning to open source, from Python to Knime, and why the heck DO we move data out of a database to analyze it?

The Little Actian DataFlow Engine That Could

Actian DataFlow, the Little Hadoop Engine That Could, But Probably Won’t

In Hadoop’s ecosystem of massively parallel cluster computing frameworks, Actian DataFlow is an anomaly. It’s a powerful little engine that thinks it can take on any data processing problem, no matter the scale. The trouble is that unlike MapReduce, Tez, Spark, Storm and all of the other Hadoop engines, DataFlow is proprietary, not open source.

Water jet cutting patterns in steel

Hadoop Can’t Do That

I just got back from a little executive summit conference in Dallas for Chief Data Officers. Frustratingly, I heard a lot of folks telling me what Hadoop CAN’T do. Now, I know that Hadoop can’t bring about world peace or get my husband to put the toilet seat down, but the things people keep saying it can’t do are  things that I’ve personally DONE on Hadoop clusters, so I know they’re doable.

If you asked most people if water could cut through steel, they would probably tell you it can’t. They would be wrong, too.

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